A lifetime of giving and a lasting legacy

David Pratt and his late wife Beverley are champions of the Ballarat community. By leaving a gift in their wills to the Ballarat Health Services Foundation, they are leaving a legacy of generosity for future generations.

Throughout their lives, David and Beverley have given to the Ballarat community. From youth groups at the Methodist Church, David went on to help establish Lifeline in Ballarat and served as a committee member of Uniting Care Ballarat for 42 years.

It was through the church community that David met Beverley. With a strong desire to help others, they both worked with their Uniting Church congregation to support people in need. David and Beverley have given generously across a wide range of organisations in Ballarat – reflecting their wide interests. From art, the Uniting Church, Apex, Aged housing through the Old Colonists Association and the Ballarat Health Services Foundation.

David has been recognised for his services to the community of Ballarat with a Medal of the Order of Australia (2016). He is a Life Governor of Ballarat Health Services (now Grampians Health).

David and Beverley’s generosity will continue long into the future. Before Beverley passed away in 2023, they decided to leave a gift in their will to the Ballarat Health Services Foundation. David explains their motivations,

“I married in 1966 and everything I have achieved since that time would not have been possible without the support and assistance of my dear wife Beverley.  It was both of our wishes that we support the Ballarat Health Services Foundation, which we were members of from the early days, as Beverley had spent some 23 years as the hospital chaplain.

“Our legacy, I trust, will support the hospital to continue its great work in easing the pain in all those who come under its care.”

Gifts in Wills

A gift in your will is a gift like no other and it is made only once in a lifetime.

For over 30 years, the Ballarat Health Services Foundation has had the privilege of supporting Grampians Health Ballarat with philanthropic funds. Bequests from generous donors have been amongst the most impactful donations we have received.

A gift in your will to Ballarat Health Services Foundation, no matter the size, will be carefully managed and used exclusively by Grampians Health Ballarat. It is a unique and lasting commitment to exceptional public healthcare for our community.

For more information, read our BHSF Gifts in Wills brochure below, and contact us on 03 5320 4093 or fundraising@gh.org.au.

Learn more about leaving a gift in your will

BHSF Gifts in Wills brochure
BHSF Gifts in Wills brochure

In Memoriam

When someone close to you passes away, you may wish to honour their memory with an ‘In Memoriam’ donation.

Many families include a request for donations in lieu of flowers in funeral announcements or at the funeral service. This choice is often a reflection of their loved one’s life, interests and values.

These donations can be directed to a specific area of the hospital, according to the wishes of family, or they may be given for use wherever there is need. The choice is always yours.

A receipt for ‘In Memoriam’ donations will be provided to each donor and the family of the deceased will be advised of the total gift.

If you wish to arrange an In memoriam donation please contact the Fundraising team on 03 5320 4093 or fundraising@gh.org.au.

How bequests help our health service

A gift to build a foundation for the future

A gift to build a foundation for the future

One of the most significant gifts we have received was a house in Central Ballarat. Home to a long-term Ballarat resident, the house was left as a gift in a will to (then) Ballarat Health Services. Through the generosity of many local Ballarat businesses, the house was renovated and prepared for auction at no cost to the health service. 

The result of the auction was above market expectations, and all funds raised are now being used as a cornerstone donation for the redevelopment of Ballarat Base Hospital. 

Sarah Masters, Head of Fundraising and Engagement, highlighted what the auction means for patient care in Ballarat.

“It was a wonderful day for us; knowing that 100 percent of the proceeds of the sale went towards supporting patient care in our community was quite overwhelming. As Ballarat continues to grow year-on-year, this is reflected in the demand for health services. We are humbled and grateful to have received such a significant contribution.”

For the new owners, Alina and Ardian, realising the sale of the house would help the local health service was a bonus.

“We were delighted when we realised that the proceeds of the auction would be going to the hospital,” said Alina. “It completely aligns with our belief that investments should be sustainable and help others, rather than just being about making money. Knowing the proceeds would be going to the hospital made the house purchase very attractive.”

This gift of a simple house is now a legacy. It forms the cornerstone of our work in building a foundation of exceptional public healthcare for our community. 

Transforming breast cancer through two special gifts

Transforming breast cancer through two special gifts

Breast cancer research: Edna Veitch Bequest
Breast cancer treatment: Shirley and Jim Richards Bequest

Edna Daisy Hope Veitch was born in Smokeytown, outside of Creswick, and was the daughter of farmers. She died when she was 100 years old. For 21 years she worked at the Queen Elizabeth Home of Ballarat Health Services. In her will, she left a residual gift specifically for cancer research.

Ballarat Health Services (now Grampians Health Ballarat) was determined to maximise the reach and benefit of this generous gift and created the BHS Cancer Research Grants Scheme. This scheme ultimately funded three cancer research projects.

One of these projects, in research led by Dr Ruth Bollard, examined the detection and biopsy of breast lesions using SentiMag device (Magseed). These lesions are often too small to be felt or located using traditional methods, and is a much less invasive procedure. The successful results of Dr Bollard’s research trial led to the purchase of a Magseed using a generous bequest from the Estate of Jim and Shirley Richards (managed by BJT Legal).

Ballarat Health Services were the first in regional Victoria to use this device.

“Jim and Shirley both wanted funds to come into Ballarat, to be used for Ballarat purposes. They both received good care and attention through medical areas in Ballarat and were keen to make sure it came back for appropriate uses within the cancer and research areas. I know they would be delighted that their bequest is being put to such great use.” Andrew Byrne, BJT Legal 

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